Recorded at West of Lenin on January 23, 2012.

Episode 03: “To Hell With Love” – Act 1

  1. [0:00:00] Intro | F-You, Cupid! by Anita Montgomery (13:54)
  2. [0:13:28] PSA – Coal Free Washington by Vincent Delaney (03:43)
  3. [0:16:45] Lost Love Blues | Baby All The Time a poem by Charles Leggett (06:34)
  4. [0:22:53] Markheim – Episode 3 by Paul Mullin (15:02)
  5. [0:37:30] T-Minus by Elizabeth Heffron. Music Director: Jose Gonzales (18:46)

DOWNLOAD MP3 Episode – Act 1
DOWNLOAD MP3 Episode – Act 2

Directed and Produced by: Leslie Law and Richard Ziman

Music Director: Jose ‘Juicy’ Gonzales
Recorded by: Christopher Stewart
Production SM: Colleen Nielsen
Post Production: Dave Pascal

Sandbox Radio Orchestra:
Piano: Jose ‘Juicy’ Gonzales
Bass: Dave Pascal
Accordion/Etc: Robertson Witmer
Drums: Dan Tierney

Sandbox Radio Players featured in this episode:
E Ray Anderson, Rik Deskin, Ki Gottberg, Sarah Harlett, Tracy Hyland, Mik Kuhlman, Charles Leggett, Todd Moore, Peter Dylan O’Connor, Larry Paulsen, Dan Tierney, Annette Toutonghi, Kathryn Van Meter

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